Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Adventures

Memorial Day this year was good times and great oldies minus the oldies, let me tell you! Randall and I woke up and we-of course-hit the sales at Office Max and Michaels! I got some cute scrapbooking stuff and Randall got some great deals on computer software. We then headed to Park City with Tyler and Camille! We were going to go to Souperman for lunch-but apparently "We're not open if we're not here"(duh) is what they had posted on their door and of course..they weren't there. We decided to eat at hit-the-spot Arbys and then we were off to the Outlet Stores!! We found some great deals because everything was like over 40% off and so we definitely had to pick up a few things. Afterward, we went to Olympic Park where the Olympics were held back in the day-2000, maybe? Anyway, we had a plan to go zip-lining because we all watch Amazing Race (the best reality show ever by the way) and they zip-line ALL the time on that show and it looked soo fun! SO we went to Olympic Park and went down the fastest and steepest zip-line in America!!! It was awesome! It's kinda funny because the scariest part was going up the ski lifts, as well as sitting right in front of a wall right before you go (not the actually zip-line part). It was a blast though and I'm soo happy we went! On the way back, we went to Grannies Ice cream because Camille highly recommended it and she went there all the time growing up. It sure was good :) Anyway, it was a great Memorial Day-next year will be hard to beat..unless... we go on a cruise..honey?

This really was one of the scariest parts..the mountain was so steep
Camille and Tyler were about to jump but we told them it would be worth it if they made it to the top ;)
Although my face maybe doesn't show it, I was WAY scared..this wall right in front of me was soo scary, this wall could have been the last thing I saw in life....geez
And..we're off!
Look! It's Tyler and Camille on the Zip line! They broke the world record for fastest zip-lining! j/k
Randall got a really close up of Tyler going down!

Don't forget to watch this great video of us going down!! It's awesome!!! Don't mind the screaming for the first bit.. By the by, Honey though he was going to beat me but I pulled in at the last second..yeah!!


  1. Looks like fun, but from the video it didn't seem very fast or steep. Did you guys make it to the pitstop before the other teams? j/k

    What computer software did Randall get?

  2. I've always wanted to do a zipline. So jealous.

  3. Um...we were the first to the pitstop! Boo ya! It wasn't as fast or steep as I thought it would be..I want to do it in Africa next..I heard they're a lot faster and steeper..and longer!! Randall got all sorts of stuff..he can explain this weekend :)
