Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas VACA

SO I'm finally blogging again, aren't you guys proud? I really don't know who I'm saying that to because I don't actually know how many people read this blog, but whatev, this blog rocks :) I just spent a whole lot of time blogging when I should have taken the time to call all the friends that I REALLY need to call, but GOSH, you don't blog for a while, and you feel awful! I don't get it?? But anyway, Christmas VACA this year was FABULOUS. It was seriously what Randall and I needed after a hard working semester :) It got kinda crazy switching off every other day with our families, but in the end, it worked out great and we were VERY grateful we got to spend time with both of our families, as well as reflect upon the importance of this time of year. Even though the pictures are a little bit out of order, I've made sure I placed explanations under each place we were in. LOVED it!

Oh my gosh! This was presh! My g ma bowled!! Now she has some years on her, so we were all really proud of her and this pic captures the moment perfectly.
Don't ask me what I'm doing here
Genuis Robert!
Rhetty poo!! OH and don't worry, I'm not preggers, I just am showing my new 5 month being married pooch :( don't worry..workin on that ;)

SOO we're back in Texas again, these were taken on Christmas Day! Can you tell? We look a little tired but whatev-good times!! FOOD, FAMILY, FUN! Triple F baby. As you can see, we also went bowling that day and saw Sherlock Holmes-such a good movie!

SO these pics are a little out of order..considering these were taken in Salt Lake, but that's ok because they're pretty pictures and I pretty much love them! Isn't my hubby just so cute?!

OMG OMG OMG. That's really all I can say!!! So we had this extremely awesome opportunity to go to Wolf Creek Lodge. AND in this lodge, there is an indoor water park!! Can i say-AMAZING!! We got to go with my mom's cousin because she stayed there and got us passes! Thank you Barb! It was really cool though, all we did all day was go down these really cool slides. Water parks are my FAV!!!
SOO as you'll see above we went bowling twice! Once with Randall's family and once with ours. It was great times though cuz as you can see, with Randall's family, we got to go with our nephews that are ADOR and in this pic, you can see Randall helping out little E man (Ethan) So ador-but yes, it was great times, and the bumpers actually helped a's pretty sad...

The above pictures explain the AMAZING Hockey Game that we had the privilege of attending with Randall's parents. This was soo amazing because we got to go to a LIVE hockey game! This brought back mems from elementary school when my friend Nikole would always talk about the St. Louis Blues and how she would go to a game like EVERY week. I never understood what the hype was until I actually went. I still don't think its as life-changing as Nikole thought, but it definitely was something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. Even though there really wasn't any fights which I was disappointed by, they still ran into the wall which was pretty funny. There was also this cool blimp up in the sky at the game (hence the picture of the blimp) and they were shooting free money out for Chilis! Luckily, Karma caught one (well actually her neighbor did, but since he already caught one, he felt sorry and gave one to us.) It was pretty fantabulous if I must say so myself. It was also really cold in there..burrrrrrrrrr! OH! and the Stars won!! what what!!!

So as you can see, yes...there was SNOW in Texas on Christmas!! It was actually a white Christmas!! Which made me want to watch the movie-AND of course I did-LOVE IT, so that was happy times for all in Texas, and of course as you can see--I took these pictures on the day of Christmas and the snow is already melting away, it was pretty much gone by the 26th...that's Texas for ya!


  1. Crystal--Royce finally put a link to your blog on our sidebar, so I am finally reading this. You are hilarious, and I'm still way jealous that you got to go to Wolf Lodge.

  2. i always want to catch money from the chillies blimp but i never do, you're very lucky. I went to a hockey game the other week too and i just love them. I'm sad we didn't get to see each other over christmas I always just become such a bum over holidays and i never do anything. but don't worry we will see each other again.

  3. Yay Crystal!
    So both me and Steph are reading your blog now...hahaha! I am so glad you guys had a great break! :)

  4. are one of my favorite people in the whole world. I am glad you had so much fun for Christmas! It is time we hung out again!

  5. Crystal.. I am very glad the Terrys had such a wonderful Christmas!! I loved seeing all the pics! But, here's a little homework for you: how about next time, you work in a little Jamie shout-out? I mean, I've never been to a hockey game either, but you'll figure something out!!
