Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh to be in Texas right now

SO, I always forget how much I would like to be living in Texas right now until huge snow storms come our way to P town where we get pretty much-endless snow! (and I it doesn't stop seriously!) I wouldn't mind, I think, if I stayed at home all day and just got to watch the snow from my window, BUT since I do go to work all day, yes, it becomes a nuisance! Not to mention the roads that are barely shoveled and the long time it takes to shovel the snow off my car! lol.. but I don't want to sound like too much of a complainer since that's not becoming SO I will say again-it is pretty, and that's about all that's good about snow. :) Hope you enjoy the pix!

1 comment:

  1. I feel pretty similarly about snow - it's cool to watch it happen, as long as I'm inside and don't have to go out in it! Although, I do love my winter boots and coat. They make life 10 times easier!
